Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Nutrition Facts - Comparing Filipino Fruits with Other "Foreign" Fruits

Filipino Fruits against "Foreign" Fruits - Nutrition Facts
A saying goes "an apple a day, keeps the doctor away". But there are no Philippine apple. This fruit is imported from other countries and, naturally, it will be expensive. Is there a way then for Filipinos to keep the doctor away?

Plenty! Not only are there a lot of nutritious fruits available, cultivated and very cheap(in other places, you can get these fruits free, just ask your neighbor) in the Philippines, but they are far more nutritious than these "foreign" fruits.

Let's examine two fruits - Apple and Guava, and let us divide our comparison in these categories - Vitamins, Minerals, Other Health Benefits, Taste.
A. Let's start with Taste
I can't lie, hands down, apples taste better than guavas, let's stop it right there.

B. Vitamins
Guava has 50x Vitamin C than apple, 12x Vitamin A, 2-16x Vitamin B, 4x Vitamin E.

C. Minerals
3x Calcium, 4x Potassium and Phosphorous, 6x Zinc and so on.

D. Others
Guava leaves are useful for people with Diarrhea, Diabetes, Fever and Dysentery. Forgive my ignorance but I really do not know what an apple tree leaves are for.

What's more, because it is high in anti-oxidants, guava is now being considered as anti-cancer food or fruit. Fiber? Guava has twice the fiber content of an apple.

Both fruits has no cholesterol so those who practice weight loss will benefit from both fruits.

Really, if an apple can keep a doctor away, I am trying to imagine what can a guava keep away? Hospitals?

(For more Nutritional Facts of different fruits click here)

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